Saturday, December 8, 2012

Stress, Poor Nutrition & Toxicity Equal Weight Gain

What are the Top 3 Reasons why Someone is Overweight?  

The answer may surprise you...

The latest research in health science shows that the majority of people that have body fat 10 pounds above there ideal rate are overweight not because they eat too much and don't move enough....

The Top 3 Reasons are Stress, Malnutrition, and Toxicity.

This means that if you are considering your new years resolution to lose a few pounds, counting calories, just wont do it.

Well, let me clarify... if you cut calories and move your body, you will lose weight.  And if all you looked at was the scale, it would appear that you where making good progress.  But the truth is, your actually losing some body fat, and some muscle.  Some of you won't care what it is that your losing, just that the scale is going down.  The problem is, when you lose muscle, you lose energy, and strength and your metabolism slows down.  With a reduction in calories, you can be sure that you'll have trouble maintaining a high intensity in your workouts.  Chances are you won't have the energy to workout in a few weeks time.  If your persistent, you'll push through for about 6 weeks before you fall off.  The worst part is, with less muscle mass, your metabolism has slowed enough that a cheat in your diet or a few days without exercise will cause an immediate increase in body fat.

Studies show people who cut calories gain it all back within one year, and 65% actually weigh more than the year before.

If you have plans to lose weight this January, consider approaching it by lowering your stress, eating properly, and detoxifying your body.  You don't have to do all at once.  But each of these areas can produce long lasting, healthy results.  When you focus on these areas, you won't be hungry, and you don't have to do a hour long workout everyday to see results.

This January, we're holding a workshop to fill you in on just how to start an intelligent weight loss plan.  Maybe you just want to increase your energy, sleep better, and lose a few pounds, or maybe you want to cleanse and lose a considerable amount of weight.  This workshop will address the details of how to get started, what your hormones have to do with all of this, how to set yourself up to succeed,  and how to make it a priority without adding more stress to your life.

 Sound like a big promise?  I can tell you we get results we when teach this process.  I learned it through Charles Poliquin and the Functional Medicine Institute.  It works.  Come attend our workshop on January 17th.

Aside from this workshop, we will be hosting a number of programs to educate and support you to improve these 3 areas.  We have a yoga and meditation program, and private coaching package to help reduce stress.  Nutrition is always part of our programming and this year we've got a holistic nutritionist who will be offering cooking classes, private sessions, and nutrition chats.  And to address toxicity, we have top of the line supplements, and a guided group cleanse scheduled for January.   And finally, we have the Biosignature Method- which is a fancy name for a hormone evaluation.  This allows us to assess what you should focus on,  which plan to start with, and how to make the quickest progress. 

If your resolution this year is to lose weight, decide to handle it this year by, educating yourself, taking action and getting support.  Get started by attending our January workshop, or booking a private consultation.  Email me to get started now!

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