Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Women Who Do It All

Is it possible to be Wonder Woman and Be Fit too?

As personal trainer the biggest excuse I hear for not following through with there workouts is "I don't have time".  First off... We all have time - we just choose to spend it on other things... Isn't that true?

But rather than rank what's most important, I first start with a review of a typical week in a time assessment.  How is this persons time really spent.  Most women run a tight ship keeping everything under control and most have at least a few hours where they are doing things that are unproductive, unimportant, and fulfilling.  Once we discover these hidden blocks of time I suggest a fitness activity in these places. 

15 Solutions to keep fit when trying to do it all:
  • Get up 30 minutes early.  Working out while everyone else is asleep.
  • Take a walk at lunch.  Use a pedometer to track your progress.
  • Take an afternoon break and roll out your yoga mat and join a web class.
  • Find a nearby studio or gym to fit in a workout before heading home.
  • Good but not Glamorous - park further away and take the stairs strategy.
  • Commit to a "physical" family night.  Go rock climbing, bike riding, skating, or hiking. 
  • Taking kids to an after school activity?  Go for a 20 minute run while they play.
  • Make a regular date night a couples training session followed by a romantic (and healthy) dinner.
  • Instead of going out for drinks - go for a yoga class, followed by a smoothie and girl talk.
  • Get your fitness equipment in your living room and workout during TV time.
  • Challenge the kids to a Wii sports/fitness game on game night.
  • Yoga before bed.  A gentle stretching routine after a bath - what could be better?
  • Weekend Workout.  There is almost always time for a workout at least once during a busy weekend.  No matter if it's at home, outdoors or at a gym. 
  • Sex!  Need i say more?
  • Don't forget about all the physical work that can count as a workout.  Vacuuming, pulling weeds, and lugging laundry count too.              

Have a look at your week and find that extra 20 or 30 minutes of time you didn't know you had.  Squeeze in a run, curls or push ups.  If you need a plan I can design a personal program for you no matter what the conditions...

Now you have no excuses... ;)    Go Get'em Girl!

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